National Movement Begins 1 Week Later

Lovely Snow in Loveland CO
The Ribbon Cutting and Dedication of the nations first Gluten Free Food Bank in Loveland has been moved back one week due to extreme cold and poor driving conditions. We’d also like the media to help us tell the story and they will be reporting on all of the weather related stories. I’ve been upstaged by Mother Nature before and know it’s a batter I can’t win!
NEW DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, December 15 4:00 – 6:00 pm at address below
So, there is still time to have your favorite gluten free food manufacturer ship a case or two of their yummy product, cookbook or publication, if you contact them immediately. Have all products shipped to:
House of Neighborly Service
GF Food Bank
565 N. Cleveland Avenue
Loveland, CO 80537
Denver’s family owned Raquelita’s Tortillas is donating Gluten Free Sandwich Petals and issuing a challenge for other food manufactures to donate gluten free items to this food bank and others as they are established around the country.
You can find more details about who can be served at or by calling 970-667-4939. If you know someone in need, please contact them immediately to invite them to contact HNS to be screened for eligibility before the event, then have them receive food privately or publically at the event Tuesday, December 15 from 4 – 6 pm. This is going to be a great celebration of a groundbreaking change in our culture. If you can rearrange your calender to be there, we’d sure like to have you bring your favorite gluten free food to donate and join the fun!
Pleasse help us spread the word by sharing this link with your favorite manufacturers , followers and friends!
I live in Southern MD. We have very few food pantries around. We have one attached to a thrift store that several churches are members of. It’s called SMILE (Southern MD Interfaith Living Ecumenical). They have a wonderful food pantry with fresh eggs, bread and sometimes meats. I know there is a need for allergy-friendly foods. I also know someone that runs the food pantry program. When I go in for my weekly “shopping trip” at the thrift store, I take in a filled brown grocery bag, clearly marked as gluten-free, casein-free and corn-free foods. I also staple my friends name to the bag so no one else takes care of it. She knows who it goes to. I do not, but I am glad I can help someone who can not afford the expense of being on a diet such as ours.