3rd Grader “Happy” with Options at Gluten Free Food Faire
A positive attitude and supportive family goes a long way when diagnosed with Celiac Disease or told to go gluten free to improve your health.
Michael went gluten free 1 month before starting 3rd grade. We interviewed him during the 6th Annual Incredible Edible Food Faire in Denver, Sunday, August 19, 2012. Michael’s mom, Kathy Stinson, and his Aunt Lexi, own The Last Crumb Bakery in Denver. We will continue to interview Michael as he journey’s thru his new gluten free life.
Michael and his dad, Ed, and little sister, a very cute tiger who starts kindergarten the day after this interview, were looking for options for the school year to keep things fresh and interesting for sack lunches and mealtime during the year.
What are some things you have found to be ideal for sack lunches taken by your gluten free child?
(No animals were harmed in making this video. The tiger in the video was a friendly one and did not bite!)
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